Well well another alterstion made in the scriptures to give a false need for loyalty to the org....and conveniently they have no hebrew interlinear thingy majig to help u see if its true or not....but on your JW app you can look at what ALLL other versions of the Buble portray, including the old NWT.....absoluteky changes the meaning of the verse.
Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
Sledgehammer subtlety: The insidious reworking of Micah 6:8
by rory-ks inmicah 6:8 might be - or have been - a favourite verse of many.
the verse used to read:.
"he has told you, o earthling man, what is good.
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Jon Preston
Let me explain somehing i learned in stats 101---just because there is a correlation between two things does not mean one causes another. For example:
In the summertime there is a higher instance of rape. But there is also a higher instance of eating ice cream. Does this mean eating ice cream causes rape? Does it mean summertime causes rape? No. But maybe rapists take their dates out for ice cream beforehand....who knows.
Yes there may be a correlation between atheism and suicide, but i have met and known more suicidal people with a creationist background than atheist.....doesnt mean im right either but theres a correlation. Be careful with statistics and basing them as absolute truth. Itll get you in a hot mess.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Jon Preston
It would behoove u DOT to research what the GB used to say about organs....many witnesses refused organs because they were told not to Accept them....the GB even spoke of it as cannibalism. How many witnesses do younthink died as a result? And the blood doctrine is based on their own interpretation, not even sticking to the criteria given in the old testament noachian or mosaic law on blood. Hence it is beyond the things written. Take off the WT goggles lad.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Jon Preston
DOt-- on number 6 you said we dont go backwards and forwards ....
that is absolutely FALSE. Tell me who are the "superior authorities" and why has Jehovahs Org changed its stance on it 7 or 8 times?
Think bro....if Jesus inspected the JWs in 1914-1918 what would he have found? Russel taught pyramidology and they were falsely predicting dates.....in fact they had No idea if any inspection by Jesus until what? The 1930s? Then rutherford predicted Abe and all the old testament folks would be walkin around with is and bought a mansion for them....not to mention the FDS has been FALsELY claiming to be appointed for 90 years and sudd ly teach you that they havent been....mate open your eyes! Powerful works and unity at the expense of freedom is something Christ warned us about. Even the Nazis has unity amongst them and performed powerful works. Destructive social influence at its finest...wake up my friend.
Sorry i went a biit off topic--proceed.
Combatting Agoraphobia in NONJWland
by Jon Preston inmy daughter starts school soon.
and i cant help but be afraid of the big bad world....the freedom we have is scary and im irrationally afraid of my kids getting in with the wrong crowd....in jwland it wasnt so bad becaus you felt safe.
so now i know that safe haven is actually bs how do i get it out of my head?
Jon Preston
I just have to put my foot down. Thats the way its going to be. If big bad J is gonna kill me because of THAT......it woukd demonstrate the cruel and petty attributes the WT God Has....i cant imagine a "God of love" being that way
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Jon Preston
If Durheims hypothesis is back from the beginning of the 1900s no wonder atheists were highest in suicide....they were seen as the devil and persecuted from all realms of christianity id imagine.....just sayin
Combatting Agoraphobia in NONJWland
by Jon Preston inmy daughter starts school soon.
and i cant help but be afraid of the big bad world....the freedom we have is scary and im irrationally afraid of my kids getting in with the wrong crowd....in jwland it wasnt so bad becaus you felt safe.
so now i know that safe haven is actually bs how do i get it out of my head?
Jon Preston
My daughter starts school soon. And i cant help but be afraid of the big bad world....the freedom we have is scary and im irrationally afraid of my kids getting in with the wrong crowd....in JWland it wasnt so bad becaus you felt safe. So now i know that safe haven is actually BS how do i get it out of my head? What were some of the things that eased your mind about the outside world and your family?
I know that i will keep close watch on my kids and their lives and keep them busy with meaningful things. Thats a start at least. And im peaking their interest in animals and science and the beauty of real life so they can thnk for themselves how to view the world. But i guess the sudden vast horizon before me and knowing there isnt just one little road it scares me. (Im such a pansy haha)
Jon Preston
This is going to be my undoing.....because when this is brought up im going to bring out and drop the bomb.....im done messing with this cult. Only thing is i cant help but toy with the idea that i'd like to make it a public comment....hmmm
Watch as JWs are 'educated' by their 'bible student' about evolution, abiogenesis, Watchtower quote mining, etc. LOL.
by Island Man inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mblywsowuvi&list=uuzmjy8ccss1_0sswprk4yia&feature=c4-overview.
Jon Preston
I believe these are videos by mike the atheist! I loved watching them because it really shkws ya how to just engage questioning and watch how the Dub will react ...
My wife and i, cake for our daughters...hm
by Jon Preston inso recently it was my daughters b-day and my wonderful wife thought of a great idea....lets get her a cake.
so some family came to town and we did cake and a few gifts.
interesting developments as my wife and i have not been to the meetings in abouuuuuut a month....and have been incredibly irregukar in attendance the past six months.
Jon Preston
Actually teachng my wife the BItE model was going to be my next idea lol...i was gonna use the "i talked to a scientologist patient today at work and helped him figure out why its a cult" approach and see if that triggered anything.